Friday, July 16, 2010


I can't even begin to describe everything I'm feeling right now. My heart is literally bursting with awe, with thankfulness and disbelief. I got the job and I can scarcely believe it, even now. I can't believe how many blessings God has just poured out. Literally, the timing could not have been more perfect. Everything is falling into place like carefully shaped puzzle pieces that could ONLY have been orchestrated by God. Moving to my new apartment was a huge leap of faith. One that I doubted many times. I was tempted to give into the gnawing fear and questioning of whether I was doing something crazy. All along God's plan was unfolding before me in a remarkable way. He reminded me of his promises CONSTANTLY and when I was tempted to doubt or give way to despair he clothed me with a peace and a strength wholly not my own. How can I even explain to you the nights when I felt life was spinning out of control. The nights I cried out, quite literally, shouting in my car wondering what in the world was going on. Wondering how in the world I was going to pay for everything. While in every moment God was working everything out! How FAITHFUL our God is. How loving and merciful and so full of grace He is. I have never felt this close to God and looking back I can see how every second of every day he was giving me the greatest gift of all. He was giving me time to lean on him. Time to discover a deeper relationship with Him and to discover much about myself. What a wonderful testament to his plan. While I'm on a mountain top right now I know things will not always be this way. Change is the only sure thing in this world and although my circumstances may throw me for a loop my God will NOT be shaken. "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' name." To God be the Glory! Psalm 118..amazing..I am in awe of You, Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Donielle! I am so excited for you! So, I need some details lady. What is you position and when do you start?

    -Christen Griner
