Tuesday, September 14, 2010

His Hands are Holding You

Something has impressed itself upon my heart lately, Jesus’ hands. The other night I was stirring and just could not sleep. I was restless and many things weighed heavily over me. My heart was troubled and, in my own nature, I was trying to solve problems with my own feeble hands. One thought I battled with, quite honestly, was how I missed having a strong hand to hold. That sense of comfort this used to bring, knowing someone was standing beside you, holding you. Then something that could be only explained by God happened..I opened my Bible and these verses immediately jumped to the page.

I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take HOLD OF YOUR HAND. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” Isaiah 42:6-7

Then just across the page was this verse:

So, do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~Isaiah 41:10

Words cannot explain the emotions that swept over me. All I could think was, “He knows”. He knew what I was struggling with and how my heart was hurting..and in his everlasting love, He brought me strength. He knows. Whatever you’re struggling with, dear friend, He knows. He has not forgotten you and He will never leave nor forsake you. Don’t forget.

Something else I was reminded of this week is scars.

Scars are something of interest, aren’t they? They tell stories, places we have been, things we have been through. Scars don’t have to be physical. There are plenty of emotional ones to be had as well. In John 20:24-30 Jesus appears to Thomas after his resurrection. Thomas could not believe that it was truly Jesus before Him and asked to see Jesus’ scars as proof. “Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” (John 20:27) God could have easily healed Jesus fully with no scars. He raised him from the dead. What kept Him from taking away all traces of Jesus’ brutal death? Something about Jesus having scars too seems beautiful. Jesus left this world with scars, just as we will. He knows. He knows what it’s like to be us. So when you feel as though no one could possibly understand what you have been through, remember Jesus’ scars…and the fact that He took every ugly thing about us on himself. The perfect sacrifice so that we could receive redemption, so that we could be covered in His righteousness instead of scars. “Stop doubting and believe.”

"I wanna know who you are
Even if you’re falling apart
I reach in and touch your scars
And all the shame you’ve kept in your heart

‘Cause it’s not enough, it’s not enough
Just to say that we’re “okay”
I need your hurt and I need your pain
It’s not love any other way

So let’s not pretend, stop your parade
Trying to convince me
That you’re alright and everything’s okay
Yeah, do you even know me?
‘Cause I already know who you are
And all the things that kept us apart
So reach in and touch my scars
And know the price I paid for your heart

That it’s not enough, it’s not enough
Just to say that you're “okay”
I need your hurt and I need your pain
It’s not love any other way

A broken and contrite heart
I will not despise, come as you are
And I won’t close my eyes"

~Tenth Avenue North "Any Other Way"

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