Monday, December 13, 2010

No Expiration Date

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God’s promises, his unfailing word, does not expire. In a world where so many things have a time line, including our own lives, He is steady, immovable. He is our one sure thing. Lately a verse has been popping up everywhere for me. I love that, when God uses a bunch of different resources to drill home the same concept. Facebook statuses, a beautiful card from a friend, quiet time, devotions, messages, billboards… He knows me, and how long it takes me to get things sometimes. :) The verse is Ecclesiastes 3:11. “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” still makes me catch my breath a little. How reassuring it is to know “My times are in Your hands.” (Psalm 31:15) A quote from Beth Moore totally blew my mind this week. “In man’s realm, time diminishes beauty; In God’s realm, where we will spend forever, time PERFECTS beauty.” Totally amazing. Honestly this is definitely convicting. I see, in my own life, many times past and present when I am always trying to rush God, waiting on the next event to come rather than the ONE who creates ALL. Fear seems to rush us. But God is the exact opposite…He is saying everything gets more and more perfect, more beautiful with time! Faith, the opposite of fear, slows us. It brings us peace in the midst of busyness.

I read something else this week that hit home as well. It’s a book about Jim Elliot’s life called “Through Gates of Splendor”. It’s incredible. A couple of quotes struck me. Among them was this…

“Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God...Of this I am sure. He will lead you too, and not let you miss your signs. The sound of ‘gentle stillness’ after the thunder and wind have passed will be the ultimate word from God. Tarry long for it.”

God I pray that you will deepen our heart's desire for you. That you turn our worlds around and show us that it is ALL about You. Your promises do not have an expiration date. Your word is eternal and we can bet our lives on it. Surround us, guide us, soothe us, strengthen us, and cover us with your convicting truth and steady love. Love that does not depend on our actions, praise You. Show us that the plans you have for us in ten years are just as beautiful as the plans you have for us in our next hour. You are the treasure and you are everything. All for You. <3>