Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The depth of love

The depth of God’s love blows my mind. Tonight was the last night of our summer video-bible study entitled “Breaking Free” by Beth Moore. Reflecting upon the past ten weeks and the lessons I have learned is almost overwhelming. This was actually my second time going through the study but seeing all God has opened my eyes to has seriously humbled me. God has definitely been reaching parts of my heart I had long hidden away and has been getting to the heart of my motivations. This, quite honestly, hasn’t been easy. To truly bare all before God hurts sometimes, but how glorious and faithful he is by exchanging our layers of self-motivation with his grace and mercy.

How can one ever truly comprehend the amount of love God has for them? The answer is you can’t. God’s love is so perfect, so unfailing…it’s like nothing anyone has ever experienced. I came upon this verse tonight and it struck deeply. It was a verse Beth touched on during the study and is such a beautiful description of how God feels towards us:

You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of our eyes, with one jewel of your necklace.” ~Song of Solomon 4:9

I know…a pretty surprising book to reference. Before the study, I did not truly understand the parallel between Christ, His bride and Marriage itself. It had been briefly touched on before but it didn’t truly click into place…Until now. Get this…We STEAL God’s heart! How incredible is that? He is captivated by us and he LOVES to tell us so. I know this was hard for me to grasp at first…honestly still is. It doesn’t seem to make sense that He would love me in such a way when I’ve done nothing to deserve it. But here He is, day after day, pouring forth his love constantly. I pray that his love overwhelms us. That it fills us and touches the deep hurts we hide away. That God opens our blind eyes to the evidence of His presence and His heart that covers us every single day. How beautiful He is… “His love endures forever.” He makes all things new and He never fails.

Quoting from one of the messages given during the Breaking Free study, Beth Moore revealed a lesson God had recently taught her. She states that we are not the initiators. How when we say “I love you” to God…it is always, ALWAYS, proceeding God speaking “I love you” over us. How, instead of saying “I love you, Lord”, it’s more of an “I love you too”. Even now, He speaks it over you, over me. To say his love never ends just doesn’t give the concept justice. “We love because he first loved us.” ~1 John 4:19 Words themselves don’t seem to represent the concept fully at all. The way he loves us is so unlike anything we will ever truly understand. It's not the movie or cheap form of love so often represented. This is real, cut to the core, forever love. We don't have to be afraid of him letting us down, or getting overwhelmed by us, or giving up. He never gives up on us!

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, no anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” ~Romans 8:38-39

Let us not forget that no matter how far we feel we are or what we may be going through, “His love endures forever.”